Tokyo's Experimental Mi-Gu (yuko araki) took the stage with guest Sean Lennon. Sean was on bass duties while rocking out with guitarist Shimmy and drummer singer front woman Yuko Araki. On the website it's listed as Yuko Araki playing with other musicians as Yoko Ono Plastic Ono Band. Next was our first time seeing Warpaint on the east coast. We saw them in Los Angeles last summer. The girls and their guy drummer took the stage and displayed their skills opening with an instrumental. They busted into some hits off their rereleased EP Exquisite Corpse, playing "Stars," "Elephants," "Beetles," and the new track off the rerelease entitled "Krimson." Unfortunately, they didn't play my favorite tune of theirs, "Billie Holiday." They had a new drummer this time around but bassist Theresa Wayman was able to lock in with him to provide the rhythm while her bandmates either took turns singing and playing guitar or sung together in harmony. Emily Kokal hung on stage right with her hair in her face busting out some intricate guitar work and Jenny Lee Lindberg was stage left singing and rocking her guitar, bantering with crowd. She even invited a group of Pandas on stage to dance with the band.
jen, on bass, was in the middle, theresa, was stage right.
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I identified after previous months and I'm very excited much to commence participating. I are basically lurking for the last month but figured I would be joining and sign up.
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jen, on bass, was in the middle, theresa, was stage right.
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hi every person,
I identified after previous months and I'm very excited much to commence participating. I are basically lurking for the last month but figured I would be joining and sign up.
I am from Spain so please forgave my speaking english[url=].[/url][url=].[/url][url=].[/url]
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